WebQUAST is a web interface for QUAST.
NB! Our web server (https://www.ccb.uni-saarland.de/quast/) is currently undergoing maintenance.
We are working to restore full functionality as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience!
Last updated on 14.11.2024.
Alla Mikheenko, Vladislav Saveliev, Pascal Hirsch, Alexey Gurevich,
WebQUAST: online evaluation of genome assemblies,
Nucleic Acids Research (2023) 51 (W1): W601–W606. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad406
First published online: May 17, 2023
WebQUAST: online evaluation of genome assemblies,
Nucleic Acids Research (2023) 51 (W1): W601–W606. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad406
First published online: May 17, 2023
Please help us make QUAST better by sending your comments, bug reports, and suggestions
to alexey.gurevich@helmholtz-hips.de or
posting them on our GitHub issue tracker
(please check that an issue similar to yours is not solved or explained already!).