QUAST-LG is an extension of QUAST intended for evaluating large-scale genome assemblies (up to mammalian-size).
Significant speedup of the tool was achieved by both use of new fast aligner (minimap2) and the refactoring of core QUAST alignment analyzing modules.
QUAST-LG also introduced new quality metrics and methods which should be useful when evaluating large eukaryotic assemblies:

QUAST-LG is distributed as a command-line tool within QUAST package since version 5.0.0.

To run QUAST in QUAST-LG mode you should just add --large option to your running command.


Alla Mikheenko, Andrey Prjibelski, Vladislav Saveliev, Dmitry Antipov, Alexey Gurevich,
Versatile genome assembly evaluation with QUAST-LG,
Bioinformatics (2018) 34 (13): i142-i150. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty266
First published online: June 27, 2018

We benchmarked QUAST-LG on six eukaryotic datasets (yeast [2], worm [1], fruit fly [1], and human [2]) assembled by the leading genome assembly software.
You may find additional information about the results and the QUAST-LG project on the ISMB-2018 poster.


Below is the sample plot generated in QUAST-LG run on a human dataset (using Circos and Icarus software).
Click on it to go to the full report on this dataset.

QUAST-LG hg38 Circos plot

Please help us make QUAST better by sending your comments, bug reports, and suggestions to alexey.gurevich@helmholtz-hips.de or
posting them on our GitHub issue tracker (please check that an issue similar to yours is not solved or explained already!).